Account Settings
In this article:
- Overview of the various Account settings
- Differences in available settings between pre and post-paid accounts
Account Settings allows an administrator to change certain settings on the account and is accessible by navigating to Account > Account Settings
Account Settings Screen:
Settings available to change include:
- Account name - The name that is displayed on the UI
- Account time zone - Used for monthly usage calculations
- Automatic Unsubscribe - Used to customise the opt-out keywords, link, and the automated opt-out message that gets added to your message when you add an opt-out to your messages
- SMS limit - The number of message parts allowable per day and/or per month on a given account. Message exceeding this limit will not be sent
- Default message template - Pre-populated template for new messages (can also be used for signatures)
- Socially aware sending - Setting this feature restricts messaging outside the socially acceptable times (sending window can be configured)
- Short trackable links - shows whether this feature is enabled. Read this article for more information.
- Allow Duplicate Contacts - Allows multiple contacts to be created/imported with the same mobile number